Friday, November 12, 2010

Profit or Fatness?

In Jonathan N.’s blog, The Fight for Obesity, he argues who Obesity is becoming an issue in America. He brings out good points where certain places are changing the way how food is presented to the public such as school lunches, the removal of soda vending machines, and restaurants providing nutrition facts about their dishes. But are these minor changes really enough to fight against obesity though?

For someone like me who works as a nurse and sees patients day in and day out with these long term complications, it's sad to see that most of these health problems were completely preventable if treated in the early stages. I agree that the government should step in and try to implement something to help control this scary phenomenon. Did you know that a small order of fries here in America is considered a LARGE order or fries in France? ZOMG! I’m never eating anything fast food or fries every again! It’s no wonder the Europeans are so thin and healthy. I’m pretty sure their public transportation system could also be another contribution to their healthy lives.

As Jonathan said what it boils down to is “economy or obesity?” Eventually, there comes a point where insane amount of profits will eventually return with a big slap to the face. The quality of life starts looking better rather than making profit at the expense of people’s lives. I believe by regulating portion controls and providing healthier fast food options, this will in return keep our citizens happy, slim, and most of all healthier! On top of being healthier, the need for insurance coverage and health care cost would dramatically decrease, and all of our tax dollars could be used for something of better use rather than paying for someone’s horrible eating habits and poor health conditions that could have been easily fixed by a simple regulation.

1 comment:

  1. Robin Dao’s blog entry on obesity in America is well thought out and structured, but is not carried out as professionally as it should be. Your second paragraph doesn’t stay on topic with your thesis statement. The use of texting dialogue “ZOMG” is not adequate in a blog in which you are critiquing the article. In your second paragraph you could have focused more on facts and how the government is involved in fast food restaurants and not so much on your opinion of the obesity issue.

    You have good logic on the subject and yes we as Americans have to do something about obesity instead of just being lazy and not eating healthy. I liked how you closed your entry by implying ways in which our tax dollars could be spent. Overall is was entertaining, but you could have used a more serious tone on it and examine the issue more and how it is bad for our country.
