I believe EVERYONE should read this article from USA Today whether you are a supporter of same-sex marriage or not. The article explains why same-sex marriage should resume immediately after Court Judge Vaughn Walker's decision while we all wait for the higher courts to make their decision. Since Judge Walker has "declared Proposition 8 to be illegal, gay couples should be able to marry now."
One of the arguments was that by keeping Proposition 8 to stay "in effect until Walker's rule can be decided by higher courts" meant that gay couples "will continue to suffer irreparable harm if Proposition 8's irrational deprivation of their constitutional rights is prolonged."
As of now, Schwarzenegger has motion to "immediately resume gay marriage."
I believe if the roles were turned around and straight couples were the minorities of the gay world, we too would fight for our rights to be able to get married in their world. This is no different than when blacks could only marry blacks and whites could only marry whites. Remember the day when interracial couples were finally able to marry each other here in the US? Every interracial couple was running down to the courts to get their licenses finalized and official. How is this any different for gay couples?
My question to you as readers is why is it that we spend all of our energy fighting about such nonsense issues, when we can culture and gather all this energy to do something amazingly better and different and move on with our differences? Why don’t we set a good example and show to other parts of the worlds that this issue too can be overcome. This is the reason why we love America and why it is better than other countries right?
On a good, as Martin Luther King once said "injustice anywhere is a threat to justice everywhere."